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What Do I Need?

Proper equipment and preparation will ensure your visit is a safe and enjoyable one!


During Winter Adventure Weekend, you will be exposed to possible winter weather conditions. These could be extreme cold temperatures, snow, or freezing rain. Layering your clothes is extremely important. You can add or remove layers of clothing in order to prevent getting too cold or too warm. 


Below is a list of requirements for all outdoor field trips. This list of items will help you prevent cold-weather ailments like hypothermia and frostbite. Covering all exposed skin will help prevent possible frostbite conditions. For your safety, field trip leaders will remove you from trips if they feel you are not prepared or properly dressed. 


Some field trips require specific equipment. The required equipment is listed in the field trip description. 


Cave trips require specific equipment. Check the Cave Trips page for the required caving equipment. 


✔ Base Layer: Wicking fabric (polypropylene) long underwear to keep your skin dry and prevent dampness. 


✔ Insulating Layer (fleece, wool or silk): A vest or shirt(s) that can be added or removed depending on how cold you feel. 


✔ Windproof and Water-resistant Outer Layer: A jacket, preferably with a hood, will help keep out the elements. 


✔ A Hat, Scarf and Knit Mask: This will help protect your head and face from frostbite. 


✔ Gloves or Mittens and Waterproof Boots: These are essential for Winter Adventure Weekend. 


✔ Bottled Water and Trail Snacks: This will help you stay hydrated and give you energy. 


✔ A Backpack or Day Pack: Use this to carry your equipment. 


✔ Optional Items: lip balm, sunglasses, sunscreen, camera, hiking poles or stick. 







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